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How Evaporative Cooling Pads Work
It is a physical phenomenon based on the absorption of heat by water evaporation. When hot air passes over a moist cooling pad, the water film on the pad’s surface absorbs heat from the air and evaporates, lowering the air’s temperature. At the same time, the water vapor produced during evaporation will increase the humidity of the air.
Advantages of Evaporative Cooling Pads
Significant cooling effect: Evaporative cooling pads can significantly reduce the temperature in the chicken house, usually keeping the temperature within a suitable range, such as below 28°C, providing a cool and comfortable living environment for the chickens.
Energy saving and environmental protection: The evaporative cooling pad uses water as the medium. The cooling pad mainly relies on the evaporation of water to take away heat, while the energy consumption of the fan is relatively low, so it has a significant energy-saving effect. At the same time, it can increase the oxygen content in the air and improve the air quality in the chicken house.
Easy to maintain: The structure of the evaporative cooling pad is relatively simple and easy to maintain. Regularly flushing the wet pads, monitoring water quality and pH, and maintaining proper water storage capacity are all important measures to maintain evaporative cooling pads.
Precautions for using evaporative cooling pads
Pre-Operation Preparation: Before operating the cooling pad, make sure all fans are turned on to ensure air circulation. Also, evaluate the outdoor relative humidity and use evaporative cooling pads with caution when the relative humidity is above 75%.
Time of use: Due to the natural daily humidity cycle, the recommended time for use of evaporative cooling pads is generally between 9am and 6pm. Nighttime operations may increase the risk of heat stress in the flock.
Water quality management: The water quality of the evaporative cooling pad has a great impact on the cooling effect and service life. Therefore, water quality and pH should be monitored regularly and hardness levels in the sump maintained below 110 ppm and pH between 7 and 9.
Avoid overuse: Avoid overuse of evaporative cooling pads when the temperature is below 28°C or the relative humidity is high to prevent excessive humidity in the chicken house.